United States Penny,Dime,Dollars (Money,Currency and Coins) Images

 United States Currencies With Pictures

One Cent / Penny

One Cent / Penny Head

Currency Shape - Circular

Obverse: Abraham Lincoln

One Cent / Penny

One Cent / Penny Tail


Union Shield

Five Cent

Five Cent Head

Currency Shape - Circular

Obverse: Thomas Jefferson

Five Cent

Five Cent Tail



Ten Cents / Dime

Ten Cents / Dime Head

Currency Shape - Circular

Obverse: Franklin D. Roosevelt

Ten Cents / Dime

Ten Cents / Dime Tail


Torch, oak branch, olive branch

Fifty Cents

Fifty Cents Head

Currency Shape - Circular

Obverse: John F. Kennedy

Fifty Cents

Fifty Cents Tail


Seal of the President of US surrounded by 50 stars

One Dollar

One Dollar Head

Currency Shape - Rectangular

Obverse: George Washington

One Dollar

One Dollar Tail


Great Seal of the United States

Two Dollars

Two Dollars Head

Currency Shape - Rectangular

Obverse: Thomas Jefferson

Two Dollars

Two Dollars Tail


Trumbull's Declaration of Independence

Five Dollars

Five Dollars Head

Currency Shape - Rectangular

Obverse: Abraham Lincoln

Five Dollars

Five Dollars Tail


Lincoln Memorial

Ten Dollars

Ten Dollars Head

Currency Shape - Rectangular

Obverse: Alexander Hamilton

Ten Dollars

Ten Dollars Tail


U.S. Treasury

Twenty Dollars

Twenty Dollars Head

Currency Shape - Rectangular

Obverse:Andrew Jackson

Twenty Dollars

Twenty Dollars Tail


White House

Fifty Dollars

Fifty Dollars Head

Currency Shape - Rectangular

Obverse:Ulysses S. Grant

Fifty Dollars

Fifty Dollars Tail


United States Capitol

1 Hundred Dollars

Hundred Dollars Head

Currency Shape - Rectangular

Obverse:Benjamin Franklin, Declaration of Independence, quill pen, inkwell

1 Hundred Dollars

Hundred Dollars Tail


Independence Hall

Teaching Basic Currency Concepts to Children

Money is any medium of exchange that can be used to pay for goods and services and to measure the value of things.

Currency is a term for a country money in circulation. i.e, coins and bills.

Preschool & Kindergarten Currency and Coins Chart.

Money is required to sell/buy any products.For example kids can buy in his savings chocolates and ice creams and more ..