Convolution Calculator | Convolution Formula | Convolution Definitions

 Convolution Calculator

An online convolution calculator along with formulas and definitions.


What is meant by Convolution in Mathematics?

Convolution is a mathematical operation, which applies on two values say X and H and gives a third value as an output say Y.

In convolution, we do point to point multiplication of input functions and gets our output function.


Enter first data sequence (X) = 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5

Enter second data sequence (H) = 5 , 6, 7

Result data sequence (Y) = 5 , 16 , 34 , 52 , 70 , 58 , 35

Formula : Convolution Conclusion

Sequence y(n) is equal to the convolution of sequences x(n) and h(n)

for finite sequences x(n) with M values and h(n) with N values